Friday, May 18, 2012

Sweet Pink

For this tutorial, you’ll need a working knowledge of PSP.
I’m using PSP X4 but any version should work. 
This tutorial is my own and any resemblance to any other is purely coincidental.
Supplies for this tutorial:
PSP (any version)
Scrap kit of choice.
I’m using the PTU kit: Sweet Caroline
You can get her kits here: 
Tube by Keith Garvey.
You *MUST* have a license to use this tube!
Template (Voices have taken over) by Fairy gem & Kandi
Here: HERE

::Let’s begin::
Open the template
Delete © info
Delete all text
Delete the arrows
Fill each part of the template w/ papers from the kit.
Select your shape you want to fill w/ your magic wand
Expand 2
Copy and paste your paper as new layer
Select none
Follow those same steps to fill each part of the template
Copy parts of your tube (head/face & chest is what I used)
And paste in the small frames over your paper
Erase anything hanging beyond the frames
Change the blend mode to luminance legacy.
(you may want to change up your blend mode depending on your tube & the colors)
Copy and paste any of the elements you want to include in your tag.
I used the following:
Purple butterfly
Little owl
Pink flower bush
Pink flowers
Add drop shadow to each element you add.
Copy and paste your tube
Add drop shadow
Crop down with the selection tool
Resize if you need to
Add your © info.
Add your name & text.
Save and enjoy!


Old Temps

Older templates can be downloaded HERE
Background created by Sarah-Scrap kit by Just So Scrappy. Powered by Blogger.

CU Licenses

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

I ♥

My Blinkies

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

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By downloading any of my items, you agree to the following TOU: All items I provide on this blog are my own creations. Any resemblance to another product is strictly coincidental. Please do not share anything I create! Do not claim as your own. Give credit where it is due! If you use them for challenges, please link back to my blog. If you use them in tutorials, please link back to my blog. If you use any of my creations, I would love to see it!! Feel free to email them to me, anytime & I will display them on my blog!! Blog: My Email: Thank you!!